The OpenWebRTC iOS SDK has been updated to version 0.3. Some breaking changes has been introduced in the Native callbacks of OpenWebRTCNativeHandlerDelegate:

- (void)gotLocalSources:(NSArray *)sources;
- (void)gotRemoteSource:(NSDictionary *)source;

The updated API provides more rich information about the sources, where the old API only provided names of the sources. The reason for this change is that we wanted to add new API's for changing which camera (front or back) is used. A number of additional API's has been introduced in OpenWebRTCNativeHandler as well:

- (void)setVideoCaptureSourceByName:(NSString *)name;
- (void)videoView:(OpenWebRTCVideoView *)videoView setVideoRotation:(NSInteger)degrees;
- (void)videoView:(OpenWebRTCVideoView *)videoView setMirrored:(BOOL)isMirrored;
- (NSInteger)rotationForVideoView:(OpenWebRTCVideoView *)videoView;

The SDK is installed through CocoaPods:

pod 'OpenWebRTC-SDK',  :git => ''

As always we welcome feedback.

AuthorStefan Ålund