Welcome to the E-Hack page!

In this area you will find a chance to see what your curiosity and skills can do with OpenWebRTC. 

OpenWebRTC Coaches from Ericsson Research

During the hackathon the chance to "demo" to the coaches at regular time intervalls. The coaches will also be present during whole event wearing OpenWebRTC T-shirts. You will find them at the center if you want support.

Home of OpenWebRTC code:


Introduction to OpenWebRTC:

If you are new to WebRTC the best thing is to start testing our demo application in e.g. Chrome and Firefox: http://demo.openwebrtc.ioMore info about the demo app is available here: http://www.ericsson.com/research-blog/context-aware-communication/web-application-testing-openwebrtc/

Longer video intro: http://gstconf.ubicast.tv/videos/cross-platform-webrtc-with-gstreamer/

Examples of what Ericsson Research has used OpenWebRTC for:

Want help with an idea for a hack? Here's some suggestions:

Here are some ideas that you are welcome run with. Let us know if you are working on them.

SloganDescriptionOwnerDifficulty (1-5)Links
RPIGet OpenWebRTC running on a Raspberry Pi(Up for grabs)4http://www.raspberry-projects.com/pi/pi-hardware/raspberry-pi-camera/streaming-video-using-gstreamer
WebRTC gameHack our sample WebRTC demo app, e.g. create a video communication game(Up for grabs)1-5https://github.com/EricssonResearch/openwebrtc-examples/tree/master/web
Green screenBuild a WebRTC web app that replaces the green screen background with something else. We have a green screen to lend out!(Up for grabs)2-3See sample code above.
Bowser bookmarksAdd bookmarks feature to Bowser and contribute it back to GitHub.(Up for grabs)1https://github.com/EricssonResearch/bowser
Mobile appCreate a mobile WebRTC app for iOS or Android(Up for grabs)1-3https://github.com/EricssonResearch/openwebrtc-examples
Android stickBuild an OpenWebRTC app on an Android stick, connect to a TV and USB camera. We have one to lend out!(Up for grabs)3



Thesis project from Ericsson Research

Come and do your Thesis in the unit behind OpenWebRTC. We currently have 2 separate Thesis project, one for 1 student and one for 2 students: